become of

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become of

更新时间:2024-06-11 01:35:04

英 [biˈkʌm ɔv]

美 [bɪˈkʌm ʌv]

become of基本解释

使遭遇; 发生于


  • 网络解释

1. 发生...情况,...怎么啦:consist of 由...组成 | become of发生...情况;怎么啦 | complain of抱怨


2. 发生 held prisoner被监禁; | 69.become of发生; | 70.give out分发;

3. 降临:become conscious of 观察到 | become of 降临 | become one flesh 成为一体

4. (命运等)降临;使遭遇:becomev.变得;成为,适合;与...相称 | become of (命运等)降临;使遭遇 | beforehandad.预先;事先

  • 临近词
As for the three poor creatures who inhabited Corinthe, no one knew what had become of them.(至于科林斯的原住户,那三个可怜的妇人,现在怎样,却没有人知道。)
What will become of the poor child now that the parents are dead?(父母都死了,那个可怜的孩子将来会怎么样?)
What will become of my family if my father goes bankrupt?(如果我父亲破产了,我家将会怎样呢?)
What will become of my poor lad!(我那可怜的孩子会怎么样啊!)
I will tell you who he is, and what is become of him, but you had better hear the story in your own chamber.(我可以告诉你他是谁,他变成了什么样子,但是你最好在你自己的房间里听这个故事。)
Were they walking and talking and dreaming of Santa Claus, wondering what had become of me?(她们是否在走路,说话,梦见圣诞老人,奇怪我到底出了什么事?)
Tom, I don't know what is to become of a boy that will act like that.(汤姆,我不知道一个会那样做的男孩将来会怎么样。)
What's become of them, the dear fellows?(他们怎么样了,亲爱的伙伴们?)
He asked Saint Peter what had become of the footstool, but he did not know.(他问彼得凳子哪儿去了,彼得说不知道。)
Instead, he decided to go out on his own and build what would become of the world's most recognizable brands.(相反,他毅然决定自己创业,创建世界上最知名品牌。)
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